Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

Who We Are

Who we are


We are a community of Christians called to "Make Christ Known" by following these 5 faith practices that are promised in our baptismal vows:


1. Live among God's Faithful People

2. Hear God's Word and Share in the Lord's Supper

3. Proclaim God's word through Word and Deed

4. Serve ALL People Following the Example of Jesus

5. Strive for Justice and Peace through All the Earth

Constitution and By-Laws

Gloria Dei Constitution
Gloria Dei Constitution 2020.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.5 MB]
Gloria Dei By-Laws
BY Laws Reviewed and edited Summer 2012.[...]
Microsoft Word document [20.6 KB]


   Sunday 9:00 am 




Contact Us:

N1230 Seven Corners Rd

New Holstein, WI 53061


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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America